Изгрявам в седемстишие. С дъгата.
Пързалям капки дъжд по раменете ти.
Попивам слънчево по топлите ти устни.
Изричаш ме в задъхани сонети.

Осмисляш ме. Напълваш ме с значение.
Проглеждам, ослепяла за реалното.
Прераждам те в прибоя на сърцето си.
Рисувам в мислите ти морска плавност.

Избухваш ме. Изопваш ме като отдаване.
Ръцете ти ме свирят. Седемструнна.
Преливаш в мен. В безкрайни многоточия.
Заспиваш ме. Такава...пълнолунна.

2 коментара:

  1. (1)YOU CAN MAKE ME ...

    I'm rising up with the rainbow ,
    it's really me, in seven lines
    I'm sliding pure drops, don't you say "no"
    along your man's shoulders and eyes
    I'm taking you up like the sun,
    and spread on your lips like a vine
    your breath then pronounces my name
    in sonnets so soft and sublime...

    You implant the reason in me,
    and bring back the meaning again
    I'm blinded for the real,but I see,
    deep in the beatings of my veins
    my heart gives birth to you once more
    and I am drawing what I feel
    my thoughts are there on the shore
    they linger lightly,and the sea is real...

    You turn me on,you make me burst,
    to you I'm giving everything I am
    your hands are playing on me ...first
    on seven strings... I'm like a gem
    you flow in me, into my being
    in never ending three dots and a drop
    into your arms you have me sleeping
    A full Moon I am , please don't stop....

    (2)YOU CAN DO IT TO ME...

    I slid rainy drops along your shoulders
    I rise in seven lines, with the rainbow ,I shine
    I drink in from your lips, the sunny dome-house
    in breathless sonnets you recite me in a shrine

    You give me reason and you make me meaningful
    My eyes are open ,but they're blinded for the real
    and I create you in the gushing in my heart
    Into my mind I draw the calm the sea reveals

    You make me explode, as an indulgence you stretch me
    your arms play on me , I am a seven-string harp
    you flow into me in sentences never ending
    and make me sleep , like Moon-like edge... so sharp

  2. Eхааааааа :)))
    кога успя 2...
    Нали знаеш колко много усмивки получаваш в момента :)))))
