Стъпките и ...

Тя е най-червенокосият му залез.
И прорязва пушечното му небе.
Мислите му стават на вулкани
в островно пробягващия ден.

Тя е кратка. Само двайсет крачки.
Колкото от него до брега.
Мислите и нищичко не значат...
Цялата е вятър и мъгла.

Тя е неговата петминутна тайна.
Миг отминал. Миг неизживян.
Тя е най-червенокосият му залез...
Стръкче мак в морето от трева...

1 коментар:

  1. Her steps...
    ("SHE"- second version )

    She is his most red-haired sunset
    she is his silk cut on his smoky sky
    Volcanoes become his thoughts (and dancing)
    into an island-running day that can fly

    She is short.Only two dozens of steps.
    as far as to get from Him to the shore
    Her thoughts mean just nothing, but in the depths
    She is the wind and the fog (and much more)...

    She is His secret that lasts just five minutes
    a moment that's gone ,but unlived in the time
    She is his red-haired sunset...his inner believing
    a little red poppy among green grass and thyme...
