...а е страшно далеч.
Почти като в приказка -
през девет морета, в десето.
И в същото време
е дяволски истински.
Защото живее в сърцето ú.
Отрича принцесите.
/Това ú харесва,
откакто е сáмо момиче./
Със него е себе си.
Усмихва се лесно.
И някак по-лесно обича.
Не ú сваля звезди.
Оставя ги горе.
/Така са ú светли нощите./
И тя го целува
/макар и наум/.
И още, и още, и още...
An unfinished story ...
ОтговорИзтриване..and It is so very far and away
like in a tale at the back of beyond
although it's so hard
at the same time it is real
as much as I say
because He lives
deep inside into her heart ...
He denies all the princess
(She really likes that)
since she has become
simply a girl
She feel herself wonderful
beside this Lad
she smiles very easily
and She Loves ..all the world
He does not promise her golden stars
he leaves them high ... up in the Sky
making night even brighter
She 's kissing him ...just in her mind
(as she ... really does )and more ...and still more...
as things continue .... go on ...Weither*
*weither - (German) - нататък, напред ...
Мерси :)