Не беше просто случване на нещо.
Не беше просто полет към звездите.
Не омагьосване. Не еуфория.
А нещо, още неоткрито.
Не бях отдадена. Бях просто твоя.
Живеех чрез дъха ти само.
А "сливане" е празна дума...
То беше нещо по-голямо.
Не беше взрив...по-силно беше.
Разтърси цялата Вселена...
А после бликна Светлината,
от теб и мене сътворена...
По клепките ми плъзват се съня
и ласката на топлите ти устни.
Аз цялата съм сгушена във теб.
Така заспивам...Не ме пускай!
ОтговорИзтриванеIt wasn't just a simple happening
It wasn't just a flight up to the skies
enchantment , euphoric shattering
has not been found ,reflected in our eyes
I wasn't just devoted...I was yours
your breath was just what I was living through
the word was "unity" ...with meaning lost
it was much bigger...when we found the truth
It wasn't blast , it was much stronger
it shattered all the Universe for sure
then light was born, it stayed there longer
created by us - just we... me and you
(1)Upon my lashes glides the sleeping
a soft caress , your lips make me thaw
and my existence huddled after creeping
I fall asleep,you're holding me,don't let me go...
(2)The sleep is sliding down my lashes
a soft caress ..your lips are warm
and I have huddled in your body
in sleep I fall,don't let me in the storm...
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ОтговорИзтриванетака се правят слънца. :)