Под дъжда на Макондо

Ти не знаеш, но още не мога
да обикна наистина друг.
Онова неизказано "Сбогом"
все ме връща безмилостно тук.
Тук, при тебе. Но тебе те няма.
И е пълно с една самота.
Всепоглъщаща. Обла. Голяма.
Като истински край на Света.
Като край, но безкрай.
Сякаш времето
се разтегля във ловък капан.
И сърцето ми - мъничък пленник -
няма как да си тръгне от там.

2 коментара:

  1. Under the rain in Macondo*

    You don’t know, but… I…still cannot
    Fall in love with another, for real
    Cos the hidden, unspoken “Farewell”
    Turns me back mercilessly- right here.

    Back to you, but, alas, you’re NOT here
    And it’s full of so much desolation
    All-consuming, so big, as a sphere
    Like the world’s real end’s revelation …

    Like the end, but unending, eternal
    And the time just expands in a snare
    And my heart – is simply a prisoner
    With no way to escape out from there…

    *Macondo is a fictional town described in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's novel,
    “One Hundred Years of Solitude”.

  2. Under the rain in Macondo*
    You don’t know, but… I…still cannot
    Fall in love with another, for real
    Cos the hidden, unspoken “Farewell”
    Turns me back mercilessly- right here.

    Back to you, but, alas, you’re NOT here
    And it’s full of so much desolation
    All-consuming, so big, as a sphere
    Like the world’s real end’s revelation …

    Like the end, but unending, eternal
    And the time just expands in a snare
    And my heart – is simply a prisoner
    With no way to escape out from there…

    *Macondo is a fictional town described in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's novel,
    “One Hundred Years of Solitude”.
