Напълно не на място

На юли слънцето прогаря тайни знаци
по кожата ми, плачеща за вятър.
Копнея да се върна у дома си.
Не знам къде е. Не е на Земята.
Навярно е далече. Не си спомням.
Един човек поиска да остана.
И после си отиде. Аз не мога.
Изгубих усет за звезди и разстояния.
Сега съм като хората - зависима
от времето, от другите... от всичко.
Но най-боли от простичката истина,
че тук отдавна никой не обича.

2 коментара:

  1. Absolutely out of place

    The summer sun… is burning secret drawings
    On my skin that is crying for wind (since its birth)
    But Home is the place for which I am longing
    I don’t know where it is, it is NOT on the Earth

    It’s probably far. I just cannot remember
    There was a man who asked me to stay
    He went away but I can’t (all I’ve lent him)
    I lost my feeling – for the stars and the way

    *Now I am dependent - like everyone else
    Dependent on time, on the people and stuff
    But it hurts me the most, (and it is no pretense)
    That no one today can dare to love …

  2. Absolutely out of place

    The summer sun… is burning secret drawings
    On my skin that is crying for wind (since its birth)
    But Home is the place for which I am longing
    I don’t know where it is, it is NOT on the Earth

    It’s probably far. I just cannot remember
    There was a man who asked me to stay
    He went away but I can’t (all I’ve lent him)
    I lost my feeling – for the stars and the way

    *Now I am dependent - like everyone else
    Dependent on time, on the people and stuff
    But it hurts me the most, (and it is no pretense)
    That no one today can dare to love …
