Не искам

Изтлява слънцето и тиха топлина
целува раменете ми по залез.
Научих ли се вече да летя?
Научих ли се вече да забравям?
Научих ли се вече как без теб
да дишам равномерно и спокойно?
Достигнах ли последното небе?
Научих ли се да не бъда твоя?
Не знам. Навярно не. Защото днес
пак преболява обичта ти в мене.
Ако разбираш, би било добре
да се завърнеш. За да си я вземеш.

2 коментара:

  1. I don’t want to

    The Sun’s fading away and some peaceful heat
    Is kissing my shoulders right at sunset
    Did I already learn to fly off my feet?
    Did I already learn to forgive and forget?

    Did I already learn how without you
    To manage to breathe unevenly and so calm
    Did I reach to the sky, up there- so blue?
    Did I learn not to be yours, and not in your arms?

    I don’t know. I guess I didn’t. Because today
    Your love still hurts inside of me
    If you can understand, it would be fine
    To come back and take it and then let me be…

  2. I don’t want to

    The Sun’s fading away and some peaceful heat
    Is kissing my shoulders right at sunset
    Did I already learn to fly off my feet?
    Did I already learn to forgive and forget?

    Did I already learn how without you
    To manage to breathe unevenly and so calm
    Did I reach to the sky, up there- so blue?
    Did I learn not to be yours, and not in your arms?

    I don’t know. I guess I didn’t. Because today
    Your love still hurts inside of me
    If you can understand, it would be fine
    To come back and take it and then let me be…
