Отново не на място

Домът ми се намира там, където
Луната става кръгла и голяма.
И всички ветропоказатели - петлета
показват заедно, че вятър няма.
Където уличките водят все нагоре -
към облачни дворци и звездни кули.
Прозорците са винаги отворени
и в календара винаги е юли.
Където думите са кратки, тихи, меки
и се търкулват само да обичат.
Там е домът ми.
                             Аз съм тук, където
светът по нищичко на него не прилича.

2 коментара:

  1. Out of place …. Again

    My home’s located right over there
    Where Moon becomes so full and big
    And all the weathercocks who care
    All show together that there’s no wind

    Where all the streets lead only upward –
    To cloudy castles and towers with stars
    Where all the windows are open to birds
    With July in the calendar, which never pass

    Where the words are short, quiet and mellow
    And they come rolling out just to give love
    This is my home, my only true fellow
    And the world out is different
    To that beautiful stuff …

  2. Out of place …. Again

    My home’s located right over there
    Where Moon becomes so full and big
    And all the weathercocks who care
    All show together that there’s no wind

    Where all the streets lead only upward –
    To cloudy castles and towers with stars
    Where all the windows are open to birds
    With July in the calendar, which never pass

    Where the words are short, quiet and mellow
    And they come rolling out just to give love
    This is my home, my only true fellow
    And the world out is different
    To that beautiful stuff …
