по никое време

Тази любов е ужасно различна.
Идва късно и бавно. Не разчита на нищо.
Не изпада във кризи. Не скърби истерично.
Само с теб, тишина и уют се засища.
Не ме лъже в очите. Няма капка очакване.
Няма рамка, посока и план за обичане.
Не тежи от надежди. Не заспива разплакана.
Не се буди отхвърлена, тъжна и ничия.
Появи се внезапно. Случайно. Неискано.
И се вмъкна в света ми съвсем непоканена.
Странен микс от нахалство и нежна изисканост.
И... какво да я правя...
Нека остане.

2 коментара:

  1. At no time

    This love is so different, She is not at all clerical
    She comes late and slowly, with not a thing to rely
    She doesn’t feel any crisis, she does not grieve hysterical
    Only You, Quiet and Coziness makes Her so satisfied…

    She does not expect anything, she is not used to lying
    She’s no boundaries, no directions and no plan to love
    She’s not heavy with hopes, she doesn’t go to bed crying
    She doesn’t wake up dejected, forlorn and sort of…

    She turned up so suddenly, accidentally, no assignment
    And she sneaked in my world, having no invitation
    A strange mix of impertinence and tender refinement
    So…I’ll let her stay, now she’s got accommodation …

  2. At no time

    This love is so different, She is not at all clerical
    She comes late and slowly, with not a thing to rely
    She doesn’t feel any crisis, she does not grieve hysterical
    Only You, Quiet and Coziness makes Her so satisfied…

    She does not expect anything, she is not used to lying
    She’s no boundaries, no directions and no plan to love
    She’s not heavy with hopes, she doesn’t go to bed crying
    She doesn’t wake up dejected, forlorn and sort of…

    She turned up so suddenly, accidentally, no assignment
    And she sneaked in my world, having no invitation
    A strange mix of impertinence and tender refinement
    So…I’ll let her stay, now she’s got accommodation …
