Не беше рано, ти не беше там

Н ощта целуна светлите прозорци.
Е дна звезда заплака и угасна.
Б алконите приличаха на хора,
е два докоснали се в късно лято.
Ш ептяха капки дъжд. И беше тихо.
Е сенцията на Луната се разплиска.
Р имуваше дъжда среднощни стихове,
а вятърът нелепо се изкиска.
Н е си отидох. Чаках до последно.
О бичах те на сляпо. Като лудите.
Т и беше моята дълбока бездна.
И аз сама в дълбокото се хвърлих.
Н е можех да си тръгна, не разбра ли?
Е дин единствен път така обичам.
Б олеше ли? Болеше. Но останах.
Е зичница във храма на въздишките...
Ш изофренично в себе си те оправдавах,
е стествено се лъжех. И си вярвах.
Т ежеше вечерта. Не беше рано.
А аз измислях светлина. И те очаквах.

М ълчи сега...ужасно късно е за думи...


Code name: L i l i t h

2 коментара:

  1. ========================

    It wasn't early , You weren't there

    The dark night kissed the light windows
    a tiny star started crying ...then almost fade
    the balconies were just like two people
    who barely touched - the summer was late

    Raindrops were whispering and it was quiet
    The yellow Moon essence spread all around
    the soft rain was rhyming lines in dark violet
    the wind so ridiculous, uttered giggling sound

    I didn't leave. I waited for you , for so long
    I loved you , so blind - just like a mad girl
    you were my one deep abyss (was I wrong ?)
    and I threw myself in the depths of this whirl

    I could not walk away , neither early , nor late
    Only once in a lifetime can I love in this way
    Did it hurt ? Yes,It did ! But here I stayed
    A pagan in temple of sighs - night and day

    I found you not guilty , schizophrenic I played
    I lied to myself , and I sure believed
    The night was so heavy ,neither early , nor late
    I was waiting for you , Pure Light I perceived

    Keep silent now, It's too late to say any words ...

    Was no early , You - not there ...

    W hen the Night kissed the lit-up bright windows
    A lonely star started crying and died
    S ome balconies looked like two people thinking
    Not really touching , when the summer subside
    O utside was quite, raindrops softy whispered
    E ssence of Moon was spreading along
    A nd the rain tried to rhyme poetic lines wishfully
    R ound came the wind with a giggle, quite strong
    L ate was the time , But I kept on waiting
    Y ou I have loved , so blind , just like crazy

    Y ou were my chasm , deep but elating
    O ver this chasm I've thrown myself dizzily

    U nchained I was , but I couldn't leave
    N ot for a second time I could love just like that
    O h , did it hurt ? As much as I can perceive
    T hen a pagan I was , in a Sigh Temple, sad

    T hough like schizophrenic, I said you were right
    H onestly lying myself .... and I trusted
    E nchanted the Night was, was not early outside
    R ed light I was thinking of , I waited , it lasted

    E nd of words ! - It is too late to say anything ...

