Един скучен филм

Налудничавите брътвежи на дъжда
разказват сънищата на небето.
В стъклата никнат тихо и цъфтят
абстрактни, бледи, водни силуети.
Светът навън е като нямо кино -
забързани човечета вървят...
Прозорецът ми прожектира филми
и чака идването на Нощта.
А аз дори не знам какво очаквам.
Навярно нищо. Като всеки път.
Събирам с поглед падащите капки.
Очите ми от тях така блестят...

2 коментара:

  1. Just a boring film ...

    The soft and crazy babble of the falling rain
    is telling its dreams to the grayish blue sky
    Some silhouettes -abstract, aqueous, pale
    are growing in windows , then blossom and die ...

    Outside the world is like a silent movie -
    people are walking in fast-moving cadence
    my window is showing some films – a bit gloomy
    Waiting for Night to take its own stance ...

    I do not know what to wait for and expect
    Probably nothing. Just like every day
    The cold falling drops in my eyes I collect
    And they become crystal , and shine ..in a way ...

  2. Just a boring film ...
    The soft and crazy babble of the falling rain
    is telling its dreams to the grayish blue sky
    Some silhouettes -abstract, aqueous, pale
    are growing in windows , then blossom and die ...

    Outside the world is like a silent movie -
    people are walking in fast-moving cadence
    my window is showing some films – a bit gloomy
    Waiting for Night to take its own stance ...

    I do not know what to wait for and expect
    Probably nothing. Just like every day
    The cold falling drops in my eyes I collect
    And they become crystal , and shine ..in a way ...
